Friday, September 23, 2005

Rita 5

When all this is over, remind me that I want to do some research on the origins of coffee. Aaaaah, sweet coffee. The taste of it on my lips this morning is like an angel's kiss.

No sweat getting home last night - there wasn't any traffic on the roads I took. All the stores and restaurants are closed, but most of their outside signs were still lit. Looked strange to see restaurants and bars that would have still had lots of customers that time of night with completely empty parking lots. The only businesses open were a few gas stations, which I guess were selling cigarettes and fountain drinks, cause their is no gas to be found between my hospital and our house.

Had a leftover steak and green beans for dinner, watched SportsCenter long enough to see that the Astros had beaten the Pirates 2-1, (behind a strong pitching performance by Galveston native Brandon Backe), then slept quite well until about 5:30.

On the drive into work, I only saw three places open for business: a couple of gas stations (cigs and cokes), the Eskimo Hut drive through beer/wine shed (with customers, I might add), and Dunkin Donuts. God bless the brave doughnut makers of Dunkin Doughnuts, who had customers lined up out the front door at 6:45am buying their little fried circles of love this morning. [Note to self: after hitting your target weight, celebrate at DD with 2 chocolate glazed and 2 french cruller doughnuts plus large joe.]

The sun was just coming up as I drove in, and there is just a little bit of cloud cover overhead, with more noticeable in the southeast sky. A very slight breeze doesn't even hint at trouble in the gulf, and obviously we've not had any rain yet.

I have my sleeping bag, pillow, suitcase and Austin's cub scout knife (Julie - no time to make a special hurricane trail mix, plus probably wouldn't have found a store open) so I am here until they tell me to leave.

Will check in as I can.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated.
Am alternately laughing and not
beleving that you are in the midst
of this - makes it QUITE more personal. Favorite comments so far include "shoe" reference, as well as the trail mix and blessed
donut makers. Will sing the proud song to you and Shelley for deciding to send her and my grandsons north Wednesday, after seeing the non-moving many lanes
of Houston traffic.
Be safe.

Mom (inland)

Anonymous said...

We love you and miss you baby!! We appreciate the updates it lets us know you are not stuck in a tree in a bayou somewhere! The boys are doing fine, just missing their Dad terribly. We will be glad when we can all be together again. We are going to have party when it's all over - a "ADIOS SENORA RITA" -margaritas, fajitas and a pinata for the kids! I just hope its not a clean up party! It is unsettling to think of 1960 deserted! I will be glad when this is all over! I am going to give you the biggest smooch ever, so are Jamie and Jeff they said!! Just remember: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understand, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6 ) I will be praying for your safety and your comfort. I love you, Shelia

Blair said...

Oh Sheila, that was beautiful. I'm glad you and the boys are safe and got out when you did. I pray for your strength as well as Brad's during this chaotic time. Hang in there Brad and Shelley; you will all be back together soon.
