Friday, September 23, 2005

The Little Storm You Can Take With You Anywhere!

Sheila sent me an hysterical email today and I wanted to share it, because the story she told is the real reason I started the blog, not to update you on the weather.

It seems Shelley and Jamie took Braden to the park in Fort Worth today. While they were there, he met a little boy and began to play. Come to find out, the boy was with his Dad and his Uncle, and they were from Houston, too. The Dad and Uncle came over and starting flirting with, er, talking to Jamie and my wife about the hurricane, and that caused a little storm of its own.

Braden, sensing that his Dad would want someone to intervene, walked over to the four of them, placed his hands on his hips and sternly warned the men to "QUIT TALKING TO MY PARENTS"! Everyone had a good laugh at the cute little guy, until he told them to quit talking or he was going to punch them in the "tummick" (stomache). Sensing that words alone were not getting the message across, he picked up a rock and threw it at one of the men.

And that was the end of their trip to the park.

[Note to self: take Braden to Baskin-Robbins the first night they get home from Ft. Worth.]


Blair said...

I was eager to get up this morning and turn on the news to see the latest on the hurricane. My next stop was your blog. I've got to be out most of the morning, but I look forward to your first post-hurricane blog.

It's good to know that Braden has your back while you are apart!


Anonymous said...

Three years later I am reading these once again remembering the horors of this hurricane and I have stopped to read the comments on all of them because i happen to remember the messages that me, mom, Braden, and the rest of the family left you. As I read through the various comments I notice that while some were concerned about the safety and well-being of my father and the rest of the "Brad Horst branch of the family", others were concerned about my father's current financial standings (as shown above). Just to let everyone know, I don't exactly appericiate that. So although I am sure that the "MAKE MONEY NOW" scheme was entirely good intenions (sigh), I sill cannot find the nessescity for it. This is just a tad irritating to me. By the way, I just recently founded a site called you ought to check it out. I make a very good profit off of it. ;-)


P.S. if you are noticing some of the gramtical/spelling errors that I am sure have been made throughout this comment I would like to ask that you excuse me on account of my 7th grade education.