Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Of Pills, Mess and Tonters

Recent conversation at my house during a diaper change.

Braden, lying on his bed - diaper removed - passes gas.
Braden: "Ma-ee, hey-dat?"
Shelley: "Yes Braden, I heard that."
Braden: "Uh tonter Ma-ee. Get you!" (Begins growling like a monster.)

No matter what the parenting books say to do in that situation, I don't know how you keep from cracking up. The child tried to convince his Mom that his gas was a monster. You can't make this stuff up.

Braden's vocabulary continues to grow, frequently with his own modifications and often to our amusement. Current favorites include "pills", which means "play dough"; "mess", which means "medicine"; and "vi-see", which means "vitamin c". His new word of choice is "shuh", which rhymes with "duh", is spoken in a quick exhale, and which we believe means "sure". "Shuh" has replaced "kay" ("okay") as his preferred affirmative response to our questions. Example: "Pay pills, Da-ee?" "Will you keep the play dough on the table this time Braden?" "Shuh."

Austin is well, though he has become the frequent target of biting by our innovative family linguist. He always screams, (to get our attention), then yells, "Don't bite me Braden!" We think the dramatic response is actually encouraging the nibbling behavior, and have instructed Austin to drop the screaming and hollering, and come to tell one of us instead.

We don't know if this will work, but it just seems wrong not to do anything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Gas Monster! That was pretty funny! I can't wait for Ethan to try that...or maybe we should start telling him that first, that might make it pretty interesting! I can completely relate to Austin's reactions. Lina says the same things..."Ethan, quit spitting on me!" if six month old Ethan is supposed to reply "Sorry, sis!" or "I didn't do anything!". But, I guess our bursting out laughing isn't the "appropriate" parental response, either.

Keep up the good work with the website and don't let any lack of comments deter you, like it has for me!
