Sunday, January 09, 2005

Taco Bueno? Muy Bueno!

Immediately after dropping off the boys with Shelley's mom in Buffalo, TX my loving wife leans over to me in the car and purrs, "Would you like to know what I am giving you for our anniversary?" My heart racing, I practically screamed "Yes - yes!"

"I am going to let you stop at the first Taco Bueno you see so we can have lunch there."

I would almost certainly fail - no matter what efforts I undertook - to explain adequately how deeply I was moved by this gesture. So I won't bother. Suffice it to say, those were real tears of joy I wiped away as we got back on I-45 headed north to fine, fast mexican food.

But in a rather "Gift of the Magi" twist of fate, I gave back to her my Bueno lunch rights for a wonderful, albeit late, lunch at P.F. Changs in downtown Fort Worth. You know you are in for a charmed weekend when the waitress brings your entrees, and one of them is Honey Seared Chicken - which neither of you ordered - so they bring out the correct entree and leave you the chicken, too! The Szechuan Noodles were tasty, the Mongolian Beef divine, but the Honey Seared Chicken was our favorite of the three. And not just because it was compliments of the Chang family!

We stuffed ourselves so thoroughly that, for the first time I can remember, we did not get even a small popcorn at the movies. We saw "Meet the Fockers", and it was a funny movie, but immediately forgettable. We laughed out loud many times though, which is what we wanted.

Saturday we went to see "The Aviator", and it was so long that it made the movie literally painful to sit through. [Note to self: in the future, don't drink a large Coke at the beginning of a 3-hour movie.] Wait to rent this DVD, then plan on watching it over two nights: as two 90-minute movies, I think it would be very enjoyable. The Katherine Hepburn story line was my favorite part of the movie, and the actress who played her stole the movie.

Driving out of Fort Worth today, we stopped at a Taco Bueno and had a chicken-chilada, a beef burrito, a taco, and two muy grande Cokes, before getting gas.

But then, when you eat at the Bueno, I guess that last part goes without saying...

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