Monday, January 17, 2005

Good to Great

I got a CD recording of the contemporary worship service from December 26th, when I preached at our church, Cypress Creek Christian Church and Community Center. The minister gave it to me in his office after worship, and asked me to preach on February 13th. I am going to find a way to incorporate some of what I have learned about the Internet and marketing into my message - the working title for my sermon is "Viral Christianity". More details to follow, but you are all invited...

My ego being what it is, I had a listen to the sermon in my car on the way to work this morning. If I had the time and inclination, I would count every "uh" I said during that sermon and smack myself in the head once for each time. Everyone in that church has been very kind with their feedback regarding the two times I have preached, but listening to that sermon reminded me that I should be grateful I don't have to make a living preaching.

My favorite part of the message was an explanation of the Stockdale Paradox, as written by Jim Collins in the book "Good to Great". The Stockdale Paradox describes the way Admiral Jim Stockdale survived eight years as a prisoner of war in Hanoi. He said, “Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of your current difficulties; AND AT THE SAME TIME have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current situation, whatever they might be.” (My emphasis - not in the original.)

Admiral Stockdale said that the prisoners who did not make it were "the optimists" - the one's who would say "we'll be home by Christmas", and then when Christmas passed they would say "we'll be home by Easter". Failing to deal with the brutal facts of their situation literally cost them everything.

Denial is a powerful and terrible thing, and part of my new year's resolutions is facing situations head on, being brutally honest about what is really going on in my life. I'll try to spare everyone the gory details: these posts are not some pseudo-therapeutic exercise. Just bits of this and that.

Though I have definitely received the feedback that more stories about the boys and less promotion of the TV products would be appreciated! I'll see what I can do...

1 comment:

Blair said...

Forget the boys, I want more promotion of tv products. I love to hear about the Cardio Cruiser, the Ab Scissor, and the Super Air 8 Air Purifier By

Seen on TV Bargains