Friday, September 12, 2008

A Quick Note

Power is beginning to flicker on and off, so I’m not going to try to say much right now since it is highly likely my computer will shut off. Hate to leave you hanging with half an anecdote or the set up to a joke but no punch line…

It is getting windy now. Heavy cloud cover is moving in overhead, and they are some of the fasting moving clouds I believe I have ever seen. Gusts of wind feel very strong, but the sustained wind does not feel that threatening. I keep passing by TV’s with pics of Galveston, and it just looks the same to me. It’s starting to get dark.

Not much craziness to report, people are generally on good behavior. Tonight will be interesting when the turf battles start over rooms which are supposed to be assigned but have been taken by squatters. That will all happen about the time the weather gets nasty, which will be a discomforting soundtrack.

National Guard trucks are parked in our parking lot up front – quite a few of them. It comforts me that we are on a high spot for the city, but is strangely alarming at the same time. My job is a breeze compared to what those guys and gals will be doing over the next 24+ hours.

Do not worry about me – everything here is fine.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the updates. You do a great job of painting word pictures that give us a sense of what is going on there. My family is gathered around the table working on a project so I read them all of your Ike entries to keep them up to date. Clark is repeating your last line now, 'don't worry about me I am safe here'. And since we have been talking about you quite a bit today, every time someone has knocked on the door, Lydia has asked if it was uncle Braddy at the door. Ryleigh liked hearing about the warehouse full of animals. Andrea appreciated your definition of frenetic. I just wish I was there to play poker with you.

Take care and be safe.

Blair and family.

Anonymous said...

Just got home from Jefferson's birthday pizza party and was pleased to have an update, I think.
animals? frenetic? I must have missed a blog.

Thank you so much for staying in touch with your frantic family.
Love, Mom