Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Ike Chronicles

Greetings from the boarded-up study of our humble house in League City. We are about 48 hours from Hurricane Ike making landfall - as of 4pm today he was headed straight for Galveston. The hospital is busily evacuating patients in an effort to get down to no more than 80, which will allow us to care for all our patients in the new heart hospital, which was built to stand up to a Category 5 hurricane. I thought that sounded like an extraordinary plan personally.

Our next door neighbors were here this afternoon, so Shane helped me finish getting the 2nd floor windows covered. He just came by to tell me they had changed their minds and were evacuating to Cypress tonight, and possibly further north tomorrow. They didn't see the reason to stick around for a possible category 3 hurricane, and I can't blame them.

My plan is to take my cot, sleeping bag and supplies to the hospital tonight, come home for a decent night's sleep, and then go to the hospital early Friday morning with clothes to last 3 days. Probably won't need to spend the night more than Friday and Saturday night, but can't be sure at this point. I am heartened by the prospect that three different guys asked me to be sure to bring my poker chips when I come for the storm. With any luck, I'll win a little cash money over the next few days.

I'm peaceful knowing the windows on the house are boarded up and my family is all safely north of harm's way.

Check back from time to time for updates on Webster, Texas. I can't access this website from my hospital - darn filters! - but will be emailing Austin updates to keep everyone current.

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