Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home Safe and Sound

Hey everyone it is Shelley. I am not as eloquent at writing as Brad and I definitely have a much more subdued story, but I thought I should give an update. We have been so blessed by God to have had personal safety for our family. Our home is in wonderful shape and we have all the supplies we need. We came back yesterday with supplies and gas for us and some groceries for our neighbors. The gas and grocery lines from Huntsville all the way to Houston are insane! We came home to no power but it was restored by 9:30 p.m. Our neighbors helped us take down our storm covers on the windows and the house started to look more normal again. Our yard needs a little clean up, but since that's just about all, we are so blessed. The neighborhood next door lost their roofs and some very large trees. Parts of our neighborhood are worse but our street held up remarkably well. The boys and I were very happy to be home. Braden jumped from the car and has hardly been seen since. Our neighbors hooked our fridge to their generator so we didn't have rotten food. None of it was salvageable but at least it wasn't stinking and ruining our fridge. Everyone is pitching in and helping one another by cooking on portable stoves and grills and sharing food. It is wonderful to have such good neighbors. So many here are without food, power, homes etc... We are truly blessed and are very thankful! Brad has been through a lot and I was so anxious to get home to him! He seems much better now that we are here. He came home to a hot meal last night and a little bit of normalcy! He seemed like himself this morning. The hospital is getting back to normal slowly but surely. We are very proud of his willingness to stay and help others. He may feel non-essential but he is our hero. His boys are very proud of him and thrilled to get to see him again. He has definitely been through a lot this week. We will be taking very good care of him, so no worries Jean. The boys' schools were fine, but a lot in our district were in pretty bad shape. The schools will start back up hopefully next Tuesday. (By the way Julie, the school on Bolivar Peninsula is gone from what I have heard.) Crystal Beach and Kemah are destroyed. Galveston Island will be recovering for a long, long time. My office is still not reachable so we will see what happens there. The stories of those who stayed are terrifying and I am awfully glad my boys and I weren't here for it. Our neighbors that stayed say they will never do it again. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. Love to all! The Horst Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shelley, Thanks for the update from where you and the boys were.
I'm so glad you are home. I was beyond upset after Brad's last blog
Unstable II.

Sounds you do have great neighbors!

Hope everything settles down soon.
Sounds as parts of Houston and all of Galveston may never be the same.

Better come to Oklahoma. All we have is tornados!

Thanks again for the update.
Love, Jean