Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween - League City Style

Our first Halloween in our new house in League City proved to be quite a party! The weather was the most cooperative Sheila and I could remember since moving from Amarillo - mid to low 60's with no wind or rain. A bright moon shone down over the busiest night our neighbors could ever remember in our neighborhood. We carved our pumpkins before having a baked snake dinner with swamp juice and witches brew. Then the boys got dressed in their costumes.



The neighbor a few houses down borrowed a small trailer, bought some bales of hay, and volunteered to drive the kids around the neighborhood from section to section. The kids had a blast, as you can see.


At about 8:30 the sprinting from house to house had turned into "Da-ee will you go trick or treating for me? I'll wait here on the trailer..." Home for a quick inventory, bath, reading our expanding collection of Halloween books ("Thanks Grandma and Grandpa") then off to sleep -- though no need to dream tonight. The day was already filled with princesses and ninjas and superheroes, and getting candy from friendly neighbors for no reason whatsoever...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I am so excited that B.E.
has returned and has been updated from Viva etc.
Halloween pics are great,
and, dare I guess, Harry Potter?

I did so poorly on the I-Pod last

Looks as if it was great fun in League City - you seem to have landed in another great neighborhood.

Great to talk to you and the boys.
Thanks again to Shelley for Lean Mean Thirteen. I needed some light reading after finishing a couple of heavy books.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Love, Mom