Wednesday, October 05, 2005

His Father's Son

Thought you all might like to see a copy of the speech Austin gave today at Hamilton Elementary. [The picture is from his campaign poster last spring. Imagine it cut into the shape of a diamond with the caption 'vote for Austin - he's your ace' and you have the general idea.] He is running for student council representative from his class, and as part of his candidacy he had to give a speech to the entire 5th grade. Some of you will recall earlier that he had to give a speech last spring which did not go so well. Today's speech went great, with kids laughing at his jokes and several students and teachers giving him feedback that he had done very well.
Hi my name is Austin Horst. I am here ask for your vote as your student council representative. Here are some things that I promise to do if you vote for me:
1. I will represent Mrs. Reese’s homeroom with pride.
2. I will listen to all your ideas and suggestions and use them to make our class better.
3. I will use my skills and knowledge to help in any way that I can.
4. I promise to attend every student council meeting and be on time. I also promise to wear my hearing aids so I actually can hear what people are saying.
5. I will do everything I can to do what YOU want me to do to make our class the best.

I think that I would be good for this job because I have shown responsibility in the past. For example I wrote the letter to Mrs. Crabb explaining kickball, and I would be more than happy to stand up for class again. Whether or not you vote for me I will still do everything I can to help out in our class. I will be the type of student council representative you can look up to and not just because I am one of the tallest in the class!
We are naturally quite proud of him for "getting back up on the horse" and running for office. Combine that with the fact that Braden has learned his "A B C D's" and we're busting at the seams.


Anonymous said...

Great speech, Austin! It was well organized, to the point, and witty as well! You'd get my vote if I were there! Go get 'em! for Braden's ABCD's, I'd love to sing a few sessions of that song with you...enjoy the adventure!

Anonymous said...

That's my boy's boy!!
Loved the picture and I have my
own visual of Austin jumping back
on that horse and riding him into
the sunset!! God love him.

I have inundated him with "the"
postcards. Hope he's enjoying them
as much as I'm enjoying sending them. I may make it all the way
to Thanksgiving.

When is the election held? Do we have the results yet?

ABCD - next time won't you sing
with me! Please!

Be safe - Mom and Grandma